Hearing this, Jesus said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed.” ~ Luke 8:50, NIV
And I did learn. First, I was surrounded by caring instructors, who wanted me to succeed so badly that they went above and beyond to help me study and assure my success. Next, there were attending physicians who truly practiced “whole person care.” These physicians followed the biblical example of Jesus in their focus on body, mind, and spirit.
So the groundwork was laid, but how was I going to implement the lessons I had learned? Was I the doctor that prayed with every patient? Was I comfortable wearing my faith on my sleeve? Did I want patients to know that I was trusting a Higher Power to guide me in helping them? As a young doctor, I did not yet know all the answers.
A series of events helped me find my way to practice Christ-centered medicine. These occurrences began as I waited for my three-year-old son to come out of surgery for his broken arm. A minor procedure, yes, but he was my baby!
Then, it was my turn, lying pregnant in a hospital bed with 24 hour-a-day monitoring, for 5 weeks, attempting to keep my little girl where she needed to be, and not in the neonatal intensive care unit. And finally, I sat with my husband in the surgeon’s and the oncologist’s offices, listening to the diagnosis given him. “Yes, it is cancer.” “Yes, you need more surgery.” “Yes, you will need chemotherapy.”
I was able to see miracles performed, right up close. It is a miracle that an anesthesiologist can put a child to sleep, that an orthopaedist can operate, and that my son now has a fully functioning right arm. It is a miracle that an obstetrician, a perinatologist, and a neonatologist can maintain a baby, who was trying to be born at 29 weeks, and keep her safe and sound and healthy. It is also a miracle that my husband has spent the last five years cancer-free.
So it finally came to me. I have a sacred calling. All doctors do. And because of that calling, it is impossible to keep Christ out of my practice. I may not pray with all my patients, but I do pray for them. And every once in a while I am allowed to see a miracle I helped performed: the suicidal patient who is now happy and healthy; the young mother who had early detection of cancer, allowing less invasive treatment and more years with her growing children; and a family at peace with the passing of a loved one, assured that they will see him again in Heaven.
So I thank God every day that I have been given the opportunity to work with Him in healing His children. And I thank God that He has blessed me, personally, with many modern-day miracles.